ICT Tip: Safeshare removes distractions around YouTube videos and even allows you to isolate and show the most relevant parts of the video!

18 May

Link: www.safeshare.tv

Quick overview: Safeshare is a great site if you want to screen a video in your classroom, but don’t want your students to be distracted by other videos that pop-up on YouTube. It also allows you to highlight the most relevant part of the video by cropping out the parts that you don’t need to show. Easy to use, highly recommended!

How does it work? Using this site, you can share videos in the classroom without all the distracting or potentially inappropriate video thumbnails that typically appear alongside YouTube videos. With Safeshare, the YouTube video simply shows up by itself, surrounded by a plain gray background. As an added bonus, Safeshare easily allows you to “crop” videos before sharing or showing them to students. What this means you can share (or prepare in advance) a link for a YouTube video that starts or ends at any point you want. This way you can remove distracting intros or irrelevant content. Here’s an example of using Safeshare to show just one scene from the YouTube “Montreal in Two minutes” video.

Video Tutorial: For a short video on how to use Safeshare, please click the play button below: