ICT Tip: Gooru is a search engine designed to help teachers and students to find educational resources

9 Apr

Link: www.goorulearning.org

Quick overview: Gooru is a search engine. Unlike Google or Bing, Gooru organizes results into categories in the way you’d use the materials in your classroom. For example, if one were to do a search for “fractions” you’ll get results for fractions related videos, websites, exams, textbooks, handouts, lessons, slides, and quizzes. It can be used both by teachers and students. It’s free too!

How can this be used by teachers? Gooru isa neat place to start if you need to look for additional materials to use in a science, world history, biology, chemistry, physics, or math class. However, please keep in mind that as with anything else you’ll find on the Internet, it’s not a magic solution. You’ll likely find that you’ll be spending more time evaluating the materials, rather than finding them! (Source: Tracy Rosen, resource teacher at Nova Career Centre, NFSB)

Copyrights: All the materials linked on Gooru are Open Educational Resources, which are are “freely accessible, openly formatted and openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, education, assessment and research purposes“.

How can this be used by students? Students can browse “collections” based around specific topics on Gooru if they’d like to study on their own. Want to know more about how this all works? Watch this video.